Core Objective

Core Objective

  1. To create A centre of Excellence for Studies, Sports & Success.
  2. To provide a state-of-the-art infrastructure, the finest of the faculties and an environment that is conducive to learning.
  3. To provide a rich, stimulating, caring and supporting environment in which the children feel happy, safe & secure, confident & enthusiastic learners and to enable them to reach their full potential with a sense of achievement.
  4. To make a new world of holistic learning, creativity & wisdom and to ensure dynamism in children for comprehensive, intellectual, social, emotional, physical and spiritual developments.
  5. To emphasis on Futuristic Education with future – ready – curriculum, new pedagogies, the latest students engagement activities.
  6. To focus on wellness of the child through regular visits of child specialists, child psychologist, learning enhancement expert and yoga & meditation.
  7. To ensure active engagement with fitness and to provide training and coaching for sports through world class sporting opportunities.
  8. R & D and the school design: continually grow through on going R & D (research & development) & making Vikramaditya Global School a powerful educational engine.
  9. To ensure individualized attention to each learner to cater his/her unique learning needs and to assess & evaluate optimum learning outcomes regularly.
  10. Entry into higher education is focused and to prepare students for further education and to assist them seeking admissions into top universities, institutions and academics.
  11. To encourage parents participation in the growth & development process through interactive seminars, orientations and regular PTM’s.