Lab Facilities

Lab Facilities

The school has distinct and separate science laboratories for practical sessions in Physics, Chemistry, Home Science, and Biology in accordance with the CBSE curriculum.

The laboratories are spacious and offer modern and excellent equipment where our students are encouraged to use their analytical and creative skills through research and experimentation.

Apart from the Middle and Secondary School, students of the Primary School also have regular laboratory sessions in their curriculum.

Physics Lab
In the words of the greatest physicist ever, Albert Einstein- “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing.”

Children have a knack for exploring and experimenting and Physics is an experimental science. A physics lab gives an insight into the world of Science where a better demonstration of concepts and laws both qualitative and quantitative are experienced by each child. Physics is the science that teaches observation, communication, accuracy, collaboration and exactness. Students learn how to identify objects, phenomena, learn and question universal facts, learn to plan, process data and carry out experiments that lead to concrete conclusions.

Chemistry Lab
Chemistry is the study of matter and its interactions with other matter and energy. Lab work is considered essential in promoting student’s learning of science and of scientific inquiry. The school has the best designed, spacious, sophisticated and safe laboratory equipped with the most modern apparatus.

Biology is a science of life. It is the study of living organisms, plants and understanding our ecosystem. A fascinating study that opens the door to endless possibilities when it comes to Health, Environment, Conservationism, Genetics, Using and Preserving of Natural Resources.

Maths Lab
Contrary to the myth that Math is a dreary subject, it is a subject if taught in an invigorating environment can stimulate interest and change the approach towards it. It helps the students to understand and internalize the concepts through concrete objects and situations. It enables students to verify several geometrical properties using models or by paper- cutting and folding techniques. It encourages students to brain-storm and enjoy finding solutions and applying formulas to those mind-boggling questions. The laboratory provides scope for greater involvement of both the mind and hand which facilitates cognition.

Books evoke a reader’s imagination. They are a storehouse of knowledge. Reading enriches our minds and helps us evolve.
We ensure that our Library is well-stocked with books ranging from all genre. Introducing children to the world of books from an early age is imperative. Children are curious to learn and their thirst for knowledge must be satiated. The School Library creates an environment for developing research and information literacy skills.

Language Lab.
Our Language Laboratory is fitted with latest multimedia equipment and audio-visual aids. Students are able to practice speaking a new language, record their work and take part in interactive sessions to improve their language skills while enjoying the experience.